Albuquerque Foothills + Bosque Engagement // Marika + Darrel

It was the fall of a fresh school year.  There was so much to come, but what Marika + Darrell didn't realize at the time, was that there was so much to come between them as well.  Their relationship started as a friendship, and they spent time with mutual friends and getting to know each other slowly.  As time progressed, Marika + Darrel's relationship and love blossomed, and as they say; "They realized they had chemistry in Chemistry!"  ;)  

Being around M+D is like a breath of fresh air, and spending the evening with them was total heaven.  As the sun lowered itself toward the horizon, Darrel leaned in and ever-so-sweetly whispered, "You're everything to're all I'll ever want.

They're planning their wedding for this fall at Casa Rodeña, and I simply cannot wait.  I know their day will be filled to the brim with love and sweetness, and I'm so honored to be there to capture it!

Thank you Marika + Darrel, can't wait to see you soon! :)

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