Cherry Creek State Park Engagement | Denver, CO | Annie + Connor

Alrighty friends - buckle up because this session is extra adorable and I’m SO excited to share!

I met up with Annie and Connor in Denver for their engagement session - and although I had never been to the location before AND we had never met before - it was like I had known them forever. They’re big smiles and big hugs instantly welcomed me in, and off we went to adventure around a brand new area that was right in the heart of Denver! (What?! Look at this place! How?!)

It was an extra hot day but Annie and Connor and cutie little Scout totally rocked it! We strolled around and ended at the water with tons of splashes and giggles, and it was pure heaven! They say they met at a Halloween party in college, and belly-laugh as they talk about Connor’s costume, and it’s so fun to see how much fun these two have together! Their wedding will be this fall at the Hyatt Tamaya in Albuquerque, New Mexico and I can’t wait to capture and celebrate them - I know it’s going to be another day filled with big smiles!