Tent Rocks Engagement | New Mexico | Lindsey + Jose

Oh..my..goodness friends. You better hold on tight because this session is about to knock you outta your seat! When Lindsey said that she and Jose wanted to go to Tent Rocks for their engagement session - I was thrilled! And then we got to Tent Rocks and I saw how dolled up then got. AND THEN I saw how sweetly they snuggled and loved on each other… and guys, I just about melted into a puddle of happiness right there!

Lindsey and Jose are absolutely adorable together, and they were full of smiles all afternoon. They held each other close and didn’t let a little weather situation scare them in the slightest! They were absolute troopers through a little road trip, a bug invasion, and even a last second dress-change-of-plans, and looked stunning every moment. The park rangers even commented on how impressed they were with Lindsey and her skills walking down Tent Rocks in her heels, ha!

It was just the prettiest of days, and Lindsey and Jose are so incredibly sweet - and I can’t wait to photograph their wedding day soon!!

Big thank you to Betty Rose by Alanna for Lindsey’s gorgeous makeup.